Hello! Thank you for considering my editorial services. I am the author of two critically-acclaimed YA novels, two literary novels for adults, and a memoir forthcoming in 2024. I am also a Senior Editor at Great Place Books. My short fiction has appeared in Granta, Joyland, and Epoch, and my nonfiction has appeared in Alta Journal, Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Millions. Below you will find rates and descriptions of my editorial services. If you have a question or would like to hire me for your project, please email me at adremily@gmail.com.


$50/hour for a short story (up to 10,000 words)
$75/hour for a book-length manuscript

I will read your manuscript and write you a detailed report on plot, perspective, voice, character development, setting, themes, and structure. My report will include specific suggestions and techniques for tightening your narrative, writing to your ideal audience, and ensuring your project is the best possible version of itself.

The Full Edit

$500 fee for a short story (up to 10,000 words)
$2000 fee for a book-length manuscript (up to 75,000 words*)

I will provide you with the report described above as well as line-edits on every page of your manuscript. While my edit letter will focus on big-picture elements such as plot, character development, and structure, my in-line comments will take a closer look at dialogue, word choice, descriptions, transitions, and pacing and clarity on a page-by-page basis.

*For manuscripts longer than 75k, I charge an extra $100 per 1,000 words.

If neither of these services is a perfect match for your editorial needs, please reach out to me at adremily@gmail.com to discuss more options.